Title: Numerical analysis of a brain artery in ANSYS


Tissue engineering has been a hot topic in the lately years. The eagerness for understanding the behavior of several tissues is stimulated for the great amount of prosthesis and search for industrialized materials that can simulate a biological tissue. In this paper the biological tissue studied were brain arteries, but it wasn’t specified a particular rubber like material, here we assumed an ideal material that would behave like an artery but would still be an isotropic material. Since it is an ideal isotropic material, it enables the visualization of the principal directions on the artery due to the blood flow load and therefor it induces a reflection about the reason why the collagens fiber has different distribution and the main direction for each tunica. Therefor the analysis consisted in a Fluid-Structure interaction (FSI) between an isotropic hyperplastic material and a non-Newtonian fluid, the coupling method utilized were the 2-ways coupling and it was presented a methodology to obtain the material constants through references experiments. The non-Newtonian fluid flow was considered steady and laminar and even in the conditions proposed was observed some characteristics of the nonNewtonian fluid behavior. The chosen site for the simulation was the bifurcation of the basilar artery into the left and right posterior cerebral arteries and the conditions simulated were of a healthy person. With this approach conclusions about the nature of brain arteries could be made. Those conclusions could lead to new reflections about failure mode of arteries and the function of each artery layer.

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