Current advances in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are many and often surprising. So far, these advances have mostly focused on qualitative results (for example, creating meta heuristic algorithms that can solve complex engineering problems), which generally leave users well served. However, it is troublesome the facts that most algorithms produced and used are (1) oblivious to what they actually are accomplishing and (2) have few social and moral references. In the talk a more reasonable, responsible and conscious type of AI will be presented and commented upon. In addition, the importance and implications of these innovations to Engineering will be discussed with the audience.
Prof. Buarque is PhD in Artificial Intelligence (Imperial College London-2002), Associate Professor and research leader in AI at the University of Pernambuco-Brazil, has supervised more than 120 students and authored of 6 books, and more than 240 scientific publications. His current research addresses complex decision problems, through rational/explainable evolutionary and social processes. He thinks that Responsible AI can lead to prosperous and happy societies.